You can make a big difference. Your support allows us to reach vulnerable communities at a grassroots level with non-formal education and awareness raising which enables these communities to take more control over their decisions and actions. It doesn’t take much to encourage children to wash their hands with soap but it can make an enormous difference to the health and wealth of a family. You can make a donation through our PayPal page which takes major credit cards, or donate equipment or simply spread the word to encourage others to make donations.
Your monthly donation will allow us to continue to operate our programmes in the refugee camps and along the border areas of Thailand and Myanmar. We run projects with our partners, seeking the most community led and human-centred solutions.
Spread the Word
Invite your friends and family to support us. Your involvement raises awareness and has a direct impact
Our film production work, our mobile cinema, or editing and sound recording activities all require robust equipment to keep functioning in the tough environments in which we operate. Extreme heat, humidity, dust, insects, hungry rodents and mould all present major challengers to maintaining our equipment in working order on a daily basis! Providing power is also a challenge and trying to keep software and operating systems updated in the absence of the internet. Any equipment you are replacing or no longer using will be welcomed by the team.
We particularly need Apple Laptops, PCs, video cameras, stills cameras, lighting equipment, tripods, sound equipment, smart phones. Thank you!